
Research Trends of Survey Methods for Forest Biomass Estimation Based on Remote Sensing

  • 摘要: 科学的样地调查是利用遥感方法进行森林生物量估测的重要前提,也是提高生物量估测精度的基础。通过回顾国内外利用遥感估测森林生物量研究领域中样地调查的方法,并对其进行归纳分析可知,调查方法根据不同的遥感数据源、研究区和调查对象而不同,涉及到样地的个数、样地布设、样地形状及大小、样地调查因子和内容等方面。由此提出了样地调查的建议,以期减少今后利用遥感估测森林生物量的不确定性。


    Abstract: Scientific sampling plots investigation is an important premise for forest biomass estimation using remote sensing methods, and it is also the basis for improving the accuracy of biomass estimation. Through reviewing the methods of remote sensing estimation of sample surveys in the field of forest biomass research at home and abroad, and inductively analyzing them. It can be seen that the survey method varies according to different remote sensing data sources, research areas and survey objects, and involves the number of plots, plot layout, plot shape and size, plot survey factors and content. This led to the proposal of a sample survey to reduce the uncertainty of estimating forest biomass using remote sensing in the future.


