徐正会, 杨比伦, 刘霞, 等. 西藏蚂蚁区系及物种多样性研究[J]. 西南林业大学学报(自然科学), 2021, 41(1): 1–16 . DOI: 10.11929/j.swfu.202010014
引用本文: 徐正会, 杨比伦, 刘霞, 等. 西藏蚂蚁区系及物种多样性研究[J]. 西南林业大学学报(自然科学), 2021, 41(1): 1–16 . DOI: 10.11929/j.swfu.202010014
Zhenghui Xu, Bilun Yang, Xia Liu, Xueying Zhou, Zhongping Xiong, Qiao Li, Guolian Xu, Qiuju He. Ant Fauna and Species Diversity of Tibet[J]. Journal of Southwest Forestry University, 2021, 41(1): 1-16. DOI: 10.11929/j.swfu.202010014
Citation: Zhenghui Xu, Bilun Yang, Xia Liu, Xueying Zhou, Zhongping Xiong, Qiao Li, Guolian Xu, Qiuju He. Ant Fauna and Species Diversity of Tibet[J]. Journal of Southwest Forestry University, 2021, 41(1): 1-16. DOI: 10.11929/j.swfu.202010014


Ant Fauna and Species Diversity of Tibet

  • 摘要: 1889—2020年,国内外蚁类学家实际记载西藏蚂蚁5亚科、22属、54种;本研究记载西藏蚂蚁10亚科、57属、183种,比前人研究新增5亚科、35属、129种,新增记录的5个亚科是钝猛蚁亚科(Amblyoponinae)、刺猛蚁亚科(Ectatomminae)、行军蚁亚科(Dorylinae)、细蚁亚科(Leptanillinae)、伪切叶蚁亚科(Pseudomyrmecinae),显著丰富了西藏的蚂蚁区系研究。西藏蚂蚁区系是古北界与东洋界成分的混合体,以东洋界成分占优势,古北界成分相对贫乏,与其他动物地理界存在一定渊源关系;属级水平上与其他动物地理界的紧密度依次为澳洲界、非洲界、新热带界、新北界;种级水平上与其他动物地理界的紧密度依次为澳洲界、新北界、非洲界、新热带界。蚂蚁物种多样性主要受气温和降雨影响,从北向南随着纬度降低,气温升高,蚂蚁物种丰富度升高;从西到东随着经度升高,降雨量增加,蚂蚁物种丰富度上升。依据西藏境内古北界、东洋界物种的垂直分布信息,提出以喜马拉雅山南坡和藏东南地区海拔2750 m等高线作为古北界与东洋界的划界标准,为中国动物地理区划提供参考依据。光亮黑蚁(Formica candida Smith)的垂直分布达到5183 m,是目前已知世界蚂蚁垂直分布的最高纪录。


    Abstract: From 1889 to 2020, foreign and domestic myrmecologists actually recorded 5 subfamilies, 22 genera and 54 species of ants in Tibet. In this study, totally 183 species belonging to 10 subfamilies and 57 genera were recognized, extra 5 subfamilies, 35 genera and 129 species were supplemented comparing to predecessors’ surveys, the new record subfamilies are Amblyoponinae, Ectatomminae, Dorylinae, Leptanillinae and Pseudomyrmecinae, which significantly enriched the ant fauna research of Tibet. The ant fauna of Tibet is a mixture of Palearctic and Oriental components, with Oriental component in predominant and Palearctic compoment relatively poor, and has definite relationship with other zoogeographical regions. At genera level, the relationship with other zoogeographical regions is successively Australian, Afrotropical, Neotropical and Nearctic. At species level, the relationship with other zoogeographical regions is successively Australian, Nearctic, Afrotropical and Neotropical. Ant species diversity is mainly controlled by air temperature and rainfall. Ant species richness increases with latitude decreasing and air temperature increasing from north to south. Ant species richness increases with longitude increasing and rainfall increasing from west to east. Based on vertical distribution information of Palearctic and Oriental species of Tibet, we proposed altitude 2750 m contour line as boundary division standard for the Palearctic and Oriental regions on south slope of Mt. Himalaya and in Southeast Tibet, which provided a reference foundation for the zoogeographical division of China. Vertical distribution of Formica candida Smith reached 5183 m, it is the highest record for ant vertical distribution in the world up to date.


