Based on 4 kinds of primary vegetation, such as hilly shrub, bedrock shrub, bedrock grass and sandy meadow, species diversity index, functional diversity index, were used to explore the characteristics and relationships of species diversity and functional diversity. The results showed that the species similarity of 4 vegetation types was low; the species richness, Shannon–Weiner diversity, functional richness and functional evenness of hilly shrub were higher than those of other vegetation types, and the Simpson dominance of sandy meadow was the highest; the functional richness was positively correlated with species richness and Shannon–Weiner diversity, and the functional evenness was significantly correlated with the 4 species diversity indices. The functional dispersion was significantly correlated with Shannon–Weiner diversity and Pielou uniformity. The environmental factors affecting species diversity are mainly SS, SM, SL. AS, BD, SL, AL are the environmental factors affecting functional diversity.