饶静秋, 魏平凡, 杨云, 等. 长吻臭蛙的形态及生境描述[J]. 西南林业大学学报(自然科学), 2022, 42(3): 165–170 . DOI: 10.11929/j.swfu.202104001
引用本文: 饶静秋, 魏平凡, 杨云, 等. 长吻臭蛙的形态及生境描述[J]. 西南林业大学学报(自然科学), 2022, 42(3): 165–170 . DOI: 10.11929/j.swfu.202104001
Rao Jingqiu, Wei Pingfan, Yang Yun, Lan Junlin, Liu Xiaolong, Yuan Zhiyong. Morphology and Ecological Habitat of Odorrana nasica[J]. Journal of Southwest Forestry University, 2022, 42(3): 165-170. DOI: 10.11929/j.swfu.202104001
Citation: Rao Jingqiu, Wei Pingfan, Yang Yun, Lan Junlin, Liu Xiaolong, Yuan Zhiyong. Morphology and Ecological Habitat of Odorrana nasica[J]. Journal of Southwest Forestry University, 2022, 42(3): 165-170. DOI: 10.11929/j.swfu.202104001


Morphology and Ecological Habitat of Odorrana nasica

  • 摘要: 在2018年7月、2021年2月,分别在云南省文山州马关县都龙镇四台坡和西畴县法斗乡文山国家级自然保护区小桥沟片区(附近采集到臭蛙属成体标本3号,包括雌性标本2号、雄性标本1号。其中,雌性体长为75.7、71.3 mm,雄性体长为49.3 mm。该种群吻部极突出,颊部深凹。雄性成蛙体背荐椎之后密布圆锥状刺,雌性成蛙无此皮肤刺。生活时背面为灰橄榄绿色及棕色相间,部分个体具有深色斑;四肢具很多规则的黑色横条纹,腹面黄白色,具不太明显的棕色点;雌雄个体均为全蹼。与越南谅山省的长吻臭蛙模式标本形态鉴定特征基本一致,与已有长吻臭蛙序列聚为一支,且遗传分化较小,为1.1 %。因此,形态和分子的结果均证实中国有该物种的分布。


    Abstract: In July 2018 and February 2021, an adult male and 2 adult females Odorrana nasica were collected from Xiaoqiaogou, Wenshan national nature reserve and Dulong Town, Maguan County, Wenshan Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China. Morphological measurements were taken for these three specimens. Snout-vent length of females rang 71.3 mm to 75.7 mm, and the male is 49.3 mm. They have olive green and brown dorsum, among which several individuals have brown spots when in living. Conical spines present on the dorsal sacral vertebrae of male, while it's absent in females snout prominent; eanthus rostralis sharp and loreal region deeply concave. Dark bars are present on the dorsal surface of the limbs; while the ventral of limes are uniform yellow or white. All major morphometric characters of these specimens were found to match with the type specimen of O. nasica. These specimens clustered with O. nasica from Ha Tinh Province, Vietnam, with uncorrected pairwise distances of 1.1%. Therefore, both morphological and molecular analyses confirmed O. nasica should be a member of amphibian fauna in China.


