Currently, natural restoration has become an important principle and concept in ecological restoration practice, which has an irreplaceable advantage in restoring the integrity and stability of the ecosystem, with the characteristics of continuity and cost-effectiveness. It is more conducive to systematically solving problems at a larger scale than the human-induced restoration. At present, the natural restoration capacity of the ecosystem is still utilized at a low level, with too much emphasis on the human-induced restoration. Therefore, it is necessary to give more play to the role of the natural restoration, with the emphasis on the innovative application of natural restoration measures. In this article, we defined the natural restoration, summary the technology research status of natural restoration, analyze the characteristics of natural restoration, and discusses the application of natural restoration measures in the artificial afforestation model, rain fed forest model, forest succession and control, vertical space utilization, natural regeneration promotion and natural pruning ability. Then, we put forward the innovative afforestation operation design, the changes in the traditional planting mode, and fixed planting close to naturalization. A reasonable combination of tree species is proposed in the vertical structure, thus providing conditions for the formation of multi-layer uneven aged forests from the initial planting stage. In arid and semi-arid areas, we advise that afforestation density be designed on the basis of water consumption and precipitation in forest stand, thus forming a rain-fed forest model. With reference to the vertical structure characteristics, evolutionary changes, renewal mechanisms, and pruning rules of the primeval forest, the vertical structure of secondary forests and over-cutting forests can be optimized. The man-made forests can be improved in a way close to naturalization. We also advise to control the ecological succession of the forest stand so as to form the multi-layer forest with vertical closure, thus promoting the natural regeneration and natural pruning capabilities. The above suggestions can provide support for the forest ecological restoration.