
Effects of Storage Physiology on Fresh Walnut without Green Husk After 1−MCP Composite Vacuum Packaging Treatment

  • 摘要: 为延长脱青皮鲜食核桃贮藏期,以‘清香’核桃为试材,比较了经1−甲基环丙烯(1−MCP)熏蒸处理后抽真空加干燥剂、抽真空、不抽真空3种贮藏方式下,核仁含水率、酸价、过氧化值及内种皮总酚、黄酮等生理指标的变化。结果表明:随贮藏时间增加,鲜食核桃核仁含水率呈下降趋势,核仁酸价、过氧化值呈上升趋势,内种皮黄酮、内种皮总酚含量呈下降趋势,各生理指标显著相关(P<0.05),核仁含水率可作为鲜食核桃贮藏期生理指标变化的重要指示参数;经3 µL/L的1−MCP熏蒸、加干燥剂后进行真空包装处理的脱青皮鲜食核桃,低温(1 ± 0.5) ℃贮藏15 d,能在维持核仁含水率的同时,减缓贮藏过程中核仁酸价、过氧化值的上升。1−MCP复合抽真空包装处理可延缓核仁品质下降,对脱青皮鲜食核桃贮藏保鲜具有重要意义。


    Abstract: To extend the storage period, the peeled fresh walnuts(Juglans regia ‘Qingxiang’) were treated by three storage methods such as vacuum plus desiccant, vacuum, non-vacuum after 1−MCP fumigation, physiological indexes such as nucleolar acid value, nucleolar peroxide value, total phenols and flavone of walnut pellicle were measured and studied. The result showed that with the duration of storage time, the moisture content of fresh walnut nucleolus decreased, the acid value and peroxide value of nucleolus increased, the content of flavonoids and total phenols in endotesta decreased, and the physiological indexes were significantly correlated(P<0.05). The moisture content of nucleolus can be used as an important indicator parameter for the change of physiological indexes of fresh walnut during storage. The fresh walnuts wihout green husk could be stored 15 days at low temperature(1 ± 0.5) ℃ after 3 μL/L 1−MCP fumigation and vacuum packaging treatment with drying agent, which could slow down the increase of nucleolar acid value and peroxide value while maintaining nucleolar moisture content during storage. The 1−MCP combined vacuum packaging treatment could delay the decrease of the nucleolus quality, it had great significance for the storage and preservation of peeled fresh walnut.


