
Study on the Division of Forest Homogeneous Zones in Yunnan for Natural Resource Asset Inventory

  • 摘要: 根据云南省各县与森林资源质量相关的森林起源、单位面积蓄积量、海拔、坡度、地形起伏、气候条件及社会经济等17个因子的空间差异,以县级单位之间的空间距离表示森林资源的相似程度,借助K−均值聚类和层次聚类的方法将云南省划分为空间上较一致的均质单元,揭示云南森林资源空间分异性。结果表明:K−均值聚类方法能更有效将云南省划分为6个森林资源均质区;且在实际应用中K−均值聚类的可操作性更强,结果更趋聚集连通性。研究除考虑森林资源禀赋外,将经济与人为活动因素纳入聚类分析中,可以更为客观地反映森林资源资产区域差异。研究可为构建国家森林资源资产清查价格体系及资产核算提供参考,对于支撑国家森林资源清查工作具有重要理论与实践价值。


    Abstract: Based on the spatial differences in 17 factors associated with forest resource quality such as forest origin, volume per unit area, elevation, slope, topographic relief, climatic conditions and socio-economics among counties in Yunnan Province, the degree of similarity of forest resources was expressed in spatial distance between county units and Yunnan Province was classified into spatially more consistent homogeneous units by K−mean clustering and hierarchical clustering respectively. The results show that K−mean clustering is more effective, dividing Yunnan Province into 6 homogeneous zones, showing more conductive, aggregated and coherent in practice. In addition to considering the attributes of forest resources, the introducing of economic and anthropogenic factors in the cluster analysis can reflect the regional difference in forest resources more objectively. The study can provide reference for constructing the price system of national forest resource asset inventory and asset accounting, and has important theoretical and practical value for supporting the national forest resource inventory work.


