
Study on the Leaf Morphological Traits of 21 Species of Michelia

  • 摘要: 以含笑属21种植物秋季叶为研究对象,对其叶长、叶宽、叶柄长、叶周长、叶面积等13个指标及叶色进行测定,通过变异分析、相关性分析、主成分分析和聚类分析等方法,评价不同含笑属植物叶片形态特征及叶色观赏特性。结果表明:21种含笑属植物叶片形态指标变异系数在18.66%~56.73%,叶片形态变异丰富,13个叶片形态指标间差异明显且相关性较强;前2个主成分可反应表型性状85%的信息,叶面积、叶周长和叶宽是造成含笑属植物叶片变异的主要因素;根据叶片形态将21个含笑属植物聚为4类,通过对21种含笑属植物叶色进行研究发现,除广东含笑叶色呈红褐色外,其他均呈现不同深浅的绿色。21种含笑属植物叶片变异较丰富,叶色观赏性较强,可为含笑属植物分类、园林树种配置模式和杂交亲本选配提供参考依据。


    Abstract: In this study, 13 phenotypic traits involving leaf length, leaf width, petiole length, leaf circumference, leaf area and color of 21 species of Michelia were measured by using variation analysis, correlation analysis, principal component analysis and cluster analysis to evaluate the leaf morphology and ornamental characteristics of different Michelia species. The results showed that the variation coefficient of leaf morphology index of 21 species of Michelia ranged from 18.66%–56.73%, and the variation of leaf morphology was abundant, and the difference of 13 leaf morphology indexes was significant and the correlation was strong. The results of principal component analysis showed that the first 2 principal components could reflect 85% of phenotypic traits, and the leaf area, leaf circumference and leaf width were the main factors causing the leaf variation of Michelia. The 21 species of Michelia were classified into 4 categories based on leaf morphology. According to the study on the leaf color of Michelia, except M. guangdongensis leaf color was reddish brown, other plants showed different shades of green. The 21 species of Michelia have abundant leaf variation and strong ornamental color, which can provide the basis for the classification of species Michelia, the configuration model of garden tree species and the selection of hybrid parents.


