
Species Composition and Distribution of Birds in Liuzhou of Guangxi

  • 摘要: 通过系统的文献检索与野外调查相结合,对现有的柳州鸟类名录进行汇总和编目。结果显示:广西柳州共有鸟类399种,隶属于20目69科,占全国鸟类总数的26.5%,占广西鸟类总数的53.6%;新增加柳州鸟类新记录26种,其中红颈苇鹀为广西鸟类新记录;鸟类组成中,繁殖鸟类(包括留鸟和夏候鸟)共计249种,构成了柳州鸟类物种组成的主体,65.45%的繁殖鸟类属于东洋型的种类;国家一级保护野生动物7种,国家二级保护野生动物75种,中国脊椎动物红色名录受胁物种21种,世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)受胁物种9种,列入国际濒危动植物种贸易公约附录Ⅰ的有4种,附录Ⅱ的有45种,中国特有种12种。综上所述,柳州市具有丰富的鸟类多样性,是广西鸟类资源的重要组成部分,建议加强栖息地保护、自然保护区监测和鼓励生物多样性信息共享,更好地服务于柳州市鸟类研究与保护管理。


    Abstract: This study compiles a list of bird species in Liuzhou, integrating both systematic literature review and field surveys. The findings revealed that the revised list documents a total of 399 species, encompassing 69 families and 20 orders, representing 26.5% of China's avian population and 53.6% of Guangxi Province's bird diversity. The list includes 249 breeding species, with residents and summer migrants, and 65.45% of these are of the Oriental type. Among these, 26 species of birds are newly recorded in Liuzhou, and Emberiza yessoensis is a new record in Guangxi Province. Seven and 75 birds are listed as national first-class protected species and the second-class protected species, respectively. Twenty-one species are evaluated as threatened species in the red list of China's vertebrate, and 9 species in International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN). Four species listed in CITES Appendix I and 45 species listed in CITES Appendix II, respectively. Furthermore, 12 species are endemic to China. The findings highlight that Liuzhou is endowed with a diverse avian fauna, which significantly contributes to the ornithological richness of Guangxi Province. It is recommended that efforts be intensified to protect habitats, enhance nature reserve monitoring, and promote the sharing of biodiversity information to facilitate more effective research and conservation management in Liuzhou.


