黄镇杨, 黄俊恺, 刘小龙, 等. 中国湍蛙属新纪录—红河湍蛙[J]. 西南林业大学学报(自然科学), 2025, 45(2): 1–6. DOI: 10.11929/j.swfu.202404062
引用本文: 黄镇杨, 黄俊恺, 刘小龙, 等. 中国湍蛙属新纪录—红河湍蛙[J]. 西南林业大学学报(自然科学), 2025, 45(2): 1–6. DOI: 10.11929/j.swfu.202404062
Huang Zhenyang, Huang Junkai, Liu Xiaolong, Ai Renda, Yang Zepeng, Li Yang, Yuan Zhiyong. A New Species Distribution Record of Amolops in China—Amolops compotrix[J]. Journal of Southwest Forestry University. DOI: 10.11929/j.swfu.202404062
Citation: Huang Zhenyang, Huang Junkai, Liu Xiaolong, Ai Renda, Yang Zepeng, Li Yang, Yuan Zhiyong. A New Species Distribution Record of Amolops in China—Amolops compotrix[J]. Journal of Southwest Forestry University. DOI: 10.11929/j.swfu.202404062



A New Species Distribution Record of Amolops in China—Amolops compotrix

  • 摘要: 2023年 8 月和 10 月,在云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州河口瑶族自治县瑶山乡八角村采集到无尾目蛙科湍蛙属物种成体标本2号。该物种背部皮肤光滑,大腿后侧有颗粒状皮肤,整体呈绿色,有弱背侧褶。从吻尖沿着上眼睑边缘至背侧褶边缘上方有一条狭窄的金色条纹,沿上唇缘达肩部有一条乳黄色线纹。趾末端膨大成吸盘,除第四趾蹼达第三关节外,各趾均为全蹼,关节下瘤大且圆,第一趾和第五趾外侧面有缘膜。通过对比,所采集标本的形态特征与越南甘蒙省发现的Amolops compotrix的形态特征基本一致。COI基因构建的贝叶斯系统发育树显示该标本与A.compotrix聚为一支,且遗传距离约为2%。据此,确定采集的标本为A.compotrix,是中国湍蛙属新纪录种,新拟中文名为“红河湍蛙”。


    Abstract: In August and October 2023, two adult specimens(Amolops, Ranidae, Anura ) were collected from Bajiao Village, Yaoshan Township, Hekou Yao Autonomous County, Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan rovince. The dorsal skin is smooth, grainy skin on the back of the thighs, and an overall green color with weak glandular. There is a narrow gold stripe on edge of canthus from tip of snout along margin of upper eyelid continuing above edge of dorsolateral fold, and a white lip stripe from tip of snout to posterior of arm insertion. The toes are enlarged and have sucking discs at the fingertips. All toes are fully webbed except the fourth toe which reaches the third joint. The subarticular tubercles are large and round, and the outer sides of the first and fifth toes have a fringe. It was found that the morphological characteristics of the collected specimens were basically consistent with those of Amolops compotrix found in Gammon Province, Vietnam. The results of Bayesian phylogenetic tree analysis based on COI gene showed that the specimens in this study were clustered with A.compotrix, with a genetic distance of 2%. Therefore, the specimen collected was identified as A.compotrix, a new record species of Amolops sinensis, and the new Chinese name was "红河湍蛙".


