

Study on the Cultivating Measures of Artificial Multi-storied Uneven Age Mixed Forests

  • 摘要: 综述复层异龄混交林技术现状,解析以改造方式经营复层异龄混交林存在的问题,提出人工造林与天然更新相结合的营造方法,从栽植模式、树种配置、营造面积、营造方向方面探讨了具体措施,为人工林结构优化、近自然化改造和抚育经营提供技术支撑。结果表明:树种混交和持续存在更新层是形成复层异龄混交林的直接因素。在初植造林阶段采用块状混交的栽植模式,避免造林地一次性全部栽植完,保留空地以天然更新方式进行填补,有利于形成混交林且更符合自然规律。采用分期造林和使用不同年龄苗木的方法,在垂直结构上形成多层次的树高分布,以便形成复层异龄林。营造人工林时应重视依靠自然力植被恢复和自然修复作用,采用人工造林与自然恢复相结合的方法,但需要科学研判退化生态修复阈值,量化必要人为干预和可依靠自然修复的度。研究其营造措施,对优化森林结构,提升森林质量具有重要意义。


    Abstract: Multi layered mixed forests with different ages are one of the main goals of sustainable forest management. Studying its construction measures is of great significance for optimizing forest structure and improving forest quality. This article summarizes the current status of technology in multi-layered mixed forests with different ages, analyzes the problems in managing such forests through transformation, and proposes a construction method that combines artificial afforestation with natural regeneration. Specific measures are discussed from the aspects of planting mode, tree species configuration, construction area, and construction direction, providing technical support for optimizing the structure of artificial forests, near natural transformation, and nurturing management. Research has shown that mixed tree species and the continuous existence of renewal layers are direct factors in the formation of multi-layered mixed forests with different ages. In the initial stage of afforestation, adopting a block mixed planting mode can avoid planting all the afforestation land at once, and reserve the empty space for natural renewal to fill, which is conducive to the formation of mixed forests and more in line with natural laws. Adopting the method of staged afforestation and using seedlings of different ages to form a multi-level tree height distribution in the vertical structure, in order to form a multi-layered heterogeneous forest. When creating artificial forests, attention should be paid to relying on natural forces for vegetation restoration and natural restoration, and a combination of artificial afforestation and natural restoration methods should be adopted. But it is necessary to scientifically assess the threshold for degraded ecological restoration, quantify the necessary human intervention and the degree of reliance on natural restoration.


