Genetic variation and early selection of growth traits in open-pollinated progeny of the third generation Cunninghamia lanceolata seed orchard from Xinfeng, Jiangxi province
摘要: 为江西杉木育种和生产筛选优良种质材料,对江西信丰县林木良种场杉木第3代种子园自由授粉家系测定林进行调查分析,在生长性状评价的基础上进行优良家系和优良单株选择。结果表明:8年生家系平均树高、胸径、单株立木材积分别为7.06 m、12.53 cm、0.053 m3,年均生长量分别为0.88 m、1.57 cm、0.0066 m3。树高、胸径、单株立木材积的遗传变异系数分别为2.87%、3.66%、8.65%,3个性状的家系遗传力分别为0.52、0.51、0.47,单株遗传力分别为0.18、0.14、0.13。基于家系育种值选出10个优良家系,平均树高、胸径、单株立木材积分别为7.36 m、13.33 cm、0.0620 m3,比群体平均值大4.55%、6.64%和17.42%,遗传增益分别为2.36%、3.39%和8.19%。基于个体育种值选出20个优良单株,平均树高、胸径、单株立木材积分别为8.53 m、18.25 cm、0.1240 m3,分别比群体平均值大21.16%、46.00%、134.85%,遗传增益分别为3.81%、6.44%和17.53%。Abstract: This study is to select superior germplasm for the breeding and production of Chinese fir for Jiangxi Province. Growth traits(tree height, DBH and stem volume) from open-pollinated progeny of the third generation Chinese fir seed orchard from Xinfeng County forest seed farm were investigated and analyzed, superior families and individuals were selected. The results showed that, at age 8, the overall mean of tree height, DBH and stem volume was 7.06 m, 12.53 cm and 0.053 m3, with annual 0.88 m, 1.57 cm and
0.0066 m3 growth, respectively. The genetic variation coefficient of tree height, DBH and stem volume was 2.87%, 3.66% and 8.65%, respectively. Family heritabilities of these traits were 0.52, 0.51 and 0.47, separately. Their individual heritabilities were 0.18, 0.14 and 0.13, respectively. 10 families from the total 46 families were selected basing on family stem volume breeding value, with mean value of tree height, DBH and stem volume was 7.36 m, 13.33 cm, 0.0620 m3, and more 4.55%, 6.64% and 17.42% than tested population, respectively. The genetic gain of these traits was 2.36%, 3.39% and 8.19%, separately. Furthermore, 20 individuals were selected basing on individual stem volume breeding value, with mean value of tree height, DBH and stem volume was 8.53 m, 18.25 cm, 0.1240 m3, and more 21.16%, 46.00% and 134.85% than tested population, respectively. The genetic gain of these traits was 3.81%, 6.44% and 17.53%, separately.