

Identification and Extraction of Camellia Oleifera Based on Multi-source Data

  • 摘要: 以江西宜春市袁州区辽市镇油茶林为研究对象,以2022年北京二号遥感影像、2021年国土三调数据、2009年和2019年2期森林资源二类调查小班数据为数据源,利用分层思想逐层提取地类。基于北京二号影像提取光谱特征、纹理特征,采用随机森林分类器识别油茶纯林;基于二类调查小班数据提取油茶小班变化信息,结合目视解译提取油茶混交林,利用实测样点对分类结果进行精度评价。结果表明:分类总体精度为76%,Kappa系数为0.63,表明分类结果与实际地物分布具有较高的一致性。辽市镇油茶纯林面积为23.79 km2,占辽市镇总面积的30.45%,呈块状分布在北部与西部;油茶混交林面积为23.51 km2,占总面积的30.10%,呈片状分布在东南部和南部。本研究提出了一种结合多源遥感数据实现油茶林精准定位的新方法,该方法具有推广至油茶生长环境相似区域的应用潜力,可为油茶林的精细化管理和科学规划提供重要参考。


    Abstract: Taking Liaoshi town, Yuanzhou district, Yichun city, Jiangxi province, as the study area, this research utilized 2022 Beijing-2 remote sensing imagery, 2021 Third National Land Survey data, and second-class forest resource survey data from 2009 and 2019 as data sources. A hierarchical approach was employed to extract land-use classes step by step. Spectral and texture features were extracted from the Beijing-2 imagery, and a random forest classifier was used to identify pure Camellia oleifera plantations. Change information of Camellia oleifera parcels was derived from the second-class forest survey data and combined with visual interpretation to extract mixed Camellia oleifera forests. The classification results were evaluated for accuracy using field survey samples. The results showed an overall classification accuracy of 76% and a Kappa coefficient of 0.63, indicating a high consistency between the classification results and the actual distribution of land features. The area of pure Camellia oleifera plantations in Liaoshi town was 23.79 km2, accounting for 30.45% of the total area, with a blocky distribution in the northern and western regions. The area of mixed Camellia oleifera forests was 23.51 km2, accounting for 30.10% of the total area, with a patchy distribution in the southeastern and southern regions. This study proposed a novel method for precise identification of Camellia oleifera forests by integrating multi-source remote sensing data. The method shows potential for application in regions with similar growth conditions for Camellia oleifera and provides important reference value for the refined management and scientific planning of Camellia oleifera plantations.


