Analysis on Codon Usage Bias of Chloroplast Genome in the Ethnic medicine of Roscoea
摘要: 为深入探讨象牙参属植物的叶绿体基因组中密码子的使用偏好及其相关影响因素,收集了3种象牙参属植物的叶绿体基因组数据,通过Codon W和CUSP软件计算密码子组成参数,并利用ENC-plot、RP2-plot和中性绘图等多种方法进行分析,结果显示:3种象牙参属植物的叶绿体基因组密码子使用模式大体相似,且其偏好性以A/U结尾。此外,3种植物的蛋白编码基因ENC值均超过35,说明象牙参属植物的密码子偏好性较弱。中性绘图、ENC-Plot及PR2-Plot分析的结果进一步表明,自然选择是影响象牙参属植物密码子使用偏好的主要因素。通过筛选,得到了藏象牙参、大花象牙参和高山象牙参的最优密码子,数量分别为9、11和12个,共同拥有6个密码子,具体为CUU、UCA、ACA、GCA、UAA和AGA。因此,象牙参属植物叶绿体基因组的密码子使用模式主要受到突变压力和自然选择的共同影响。Abstract: In order to explore the preference and influencing factors of codon usage in the chloroplast genome of plants in the genus Roscoea, this study collected chloroplast genomes of three species of Roscoea, and calculated codon composition parameters using Codon W and CUSP software. Based on this data, ENC-plot, RP2-plot, neutral plot and other analyses were conducted. The results showed that the codon usage patterns in the chloroplast genomes of the three species of plants in Roscoea were mostly the same, with a preference ending in A/U. The ENC values of protein coding genes in all three species of plants were greater than 35. This indicates that the codon preference in the Roscoea is weak. The results of neutral plot, ENC-Plot and PR2-Plot analysis all show that natural selection is the main factor affecting the codon preference of Roscoea.The optimal codons for Roscoea tibetica、Roscoea humeana、Roscoea alpina were screened out at 9, 11 and 12, with a total of 6 codons, namely CUU, UCA, ACA, GCA, UAA and AGA, indicating that Roscoea is a plant belonging to the genus. The chloroplast genome is mainly affected by the combination of mutation pressure and positive selection.