The shoot tips sprouted from the trunk base of the superior individual plants of Cunninghamia lanceolata were applied as the explants to induce the callus on the improved medium MS+KT 02 mg/L+2,4-D 10 mg/LThe results showed that the induction rate reached 867%; the culture medium for differentiation and multiplication of adventitious bud was the improved MS+KT 10 mg/L+IBA 05mg/L,whose differentiation coefficient reached 342The culture medium for rooting to be applied 30 days later was the improved 1/2MS+IBA 02 mg/L+ NAA 05 mg/L, by which the rooting rate was 93% within 25 daysThe rooted seedlings were transplanted to the seedbed covered by 3 cm yellow soil for further cultivation, and the transplanting survival rate was over 90%.