
Studies on Flowering and Fruit Setting of Introduced Vaccinium spp. Cultivars in Yunnan Province

  • 摘要: 采用对比试验及随机抽样调查,对引种到昆明地区的蓝莓品种夏普蓝、戴安娜、北极星、康维尔、园蓝和顶峰的生长表现、开花结实表现、坐果率以及果实生长发育情况进行调查与观测。结果表明:6个品种蓝莓均具有良好的观赏价值,适合作为绿化观赏树种栽培,而作为果树栽培则选择顶峰较适宜;各品种的生长高峰持续时间、生长速度因品种而异,园蓝、戴安娜品种树体生长良好,花期分别为60d和40d,但果实坐果率低;顶峰品种坐果率高,果形大,生长健壮,适合作为果树栽培;各品种果实纵径生长动态与横径大致相似。


    Abstract: The survey and observation were conducted in Kunming area on the growth feature, the flowering and fruiting characteristics of some introduced Ericaceae vaccinium cultivars by means of comparative trial and random sampling methodology. The results showed that all the 6 cultivars observed were of good ornamental value, which would be appropriate for greening purpose, whereas ‘Dingfeng’ cultivar would be good for fruit production. Trees of ‘Yuamlan’ and ‘Diana’ cultivars grew well, but their fruit setting rate was comparatively low, whose flowering duration was 60d and 40d respectively. ‘Dingfeng’ cultivar was recommended as fruit production because the trees grew well with large fruits and high fruit setting rate, and the dynamic growth and development of the fruit length was approximately similar to that of the breadth diameter.


