
Application of Factor Analysis to Evaluation of Forest Regeneration ——A Case Study of Pinuns densata Forest in Shangrila County

  • 摘要: 以香格里拉高山松为例,探讨因子分析在林地更新评价中的应用。分别使用单位面积株数和多指标因子分析的评价方法,对比分析林地更新评价结果,探寻2种方法得出不同评价结果的原因。和传统的以单位面积株数进行评价不同,使用多指标因子分析进行林地更新评价,能够同时兼顾单位面积株数与幼苗长势状况信息,可得出更符合生产实际的评价结果。


    Abstract: The application of the Factor Analysis Method to the evaluation of forest natural regeneration was discussed by taking Pinuns densata forest in Shangrila County as an example. A comparison between the density and multifactor analysis methods was made to explore the reasons drawing different evaluation results of forest regeneration by these methods. Contrasted with the traditional evaluation method with only density factor, it was showed that the evaluation on forest regeneration made by multifactor analysis method was more objective, which could get the evaluation more accordant with the production reality, because this method took the information of both density and seedling growth condition into consideration.


