Population density, spatial pattern and ecological factors of the Syrmaticus humiae had been surveyed since March to April, 2008 in Dazhong Mountain, Yunnan. The result showed that the population density of Syrmaticus humiae was about 0.156-0.500 ind./km2. There was significant different between the actual observation and theory predicts (χ2=139.51,P<0.001) by Poisson tests and χ2 tests. The spatial pattern of Syrmaticus humiae exhibited a clustered distribution (s2/m=8.41). Syrmaticus humiae prefered sites with factors of midmountain moist evergreen broadleaf forest (Ei=0.22), East bevel (Ei=0.32), distance to water 0-200m(Ei=0.03) and high altitude(Ei=0.16)by analyzing the characters of habitat.