Camellia spp. related industry has developed very fast in the past few years in China. However, the average oil yield per unit area is much lower than that of the high yielding model plantation, which has been the major bottle neck for the further development of camellia industry. The development of Camellia spp. production could be divided into several important stages according to the review of development course of camellia cultivar breeding and plantation management. The analyses on the major factors constraining the yield of the Camellia spp. plantations were elaborated, including the disorder of camellia seedling reproduction, poor management of cultivar introduction to other areas, the deterioration of ecological environment that has severely damaged the survival conditions for pollinators of Camellia spp. plants, insufficient transformation of lowyield plantations with elite cultivars, inefficient tending and management of Camellia spp. plantation, the potential threat of diseases and pests to large scale extension planting of Camellia spp. in economically backward areas. The perspective on the strategy to break through the bottle neck for Camellia spp. industry was given at the end of this paper.