The genetic relationship and genetic diversity of nine natural populations of Fagus engleriana from four provinces were analyzed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker technique. Totally 260 bands were amplified by 20 primers, 13 bands were averagely amplified by each primer. The molecular weight of the band DNA was between 200bp and 3000bp. Out of the 260 bands, 180 bands were polymorphic and the percentage of polymorphic loci (PPL) was 69.2%. The average Shannon index value within the species of F. engleriana was 0.3021, and the PPL within the population and among the nine populations was 72.10% and 27.90% respectively. The average Nei’s genetic diversity within the species of F. engleriana was 0.2045, and 0.1502 for the index within the population. The coefficient of genetic differentiation was 0.2631. Compared with other species, the genetic diversity of F. engleriana was at a moderate level. And its genetic variance level within the populations was also at a moderate level.