Study on Measurement of Landscape Benefit of Daqing Mountain Ecological Forests
摘要: 旅行费用法是近年来国内外研究最多的森林游憩价值评估方法之一,通过对大青山生态林区景观要素进行划分,用问卷调查的形式,对游客基本资料进行分析,并对旅行费用法进行修改,运用修改后的个人旅行费用法(ITCM),计算得出研究区生态林景观效益为763.83万元。Abstract: Travel Cost Method has been one of the most widely applied methods to assess the forest recreation value in recent years both abroad and in China. Based on classification of the landscape elements of Daqingshan ecological forest area and the basic information obtained from questionnaire survey, the landscape benefits of the ecological forest in the studying area was calculated by the modified Individual Travel Cost Method (ITCM) to be RMB 763.83 million yuan.