Effects of specific nitrogen and phosphorus addition on root and leaf functional traits of Cinnamomum camphora (L.)
摘要: 为探究氮磷配比对酸性红壤樟树幼苗生长的影响,以1年生樟树幼苗为研究对象,通过盆栽试验,观测氮磷比为5∶6时不同浓度对樟树幼苗表型及根叶功能指标。结果表明:按特定配比及浓度处理,氮磷添加的生长指标(地径、苗高、叶绿素含量)显著高于其他处理;与CK(不添加氮磷)相比,养分添加显著促进叶片质量和叶磷含量;1级根序下,N1P1处理下的平均直径、比表面积和组织密度显著高于CK,增幅分别为52.05%、57.73%和53.66%;2级根序下,N1P1处理下的平均直径、组织密度显著高于CK,增幅分别为49.59%和25.31%;不同序级下,N2P2处理下的平均直径显著高于CK,增幅为49.30%和46.60%;施肥处理、各序级及其交互作用对根系养分和形态功能性状的影响显著。综上所述,氮磷按特定化学计量比添加有效剂量,提高地上部叶片的光合能力,促进了地下樟树幼苗的根系的生长发育及提高了樟树幼苗的生长。Abstract: This study used one-year-old Cinnamomum camphora seedlings as the research object to examine the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus ratios on the growth of C. camphora seedlings in acidic red soil. The goal of the study was to provide a scientific foundation for the high-efficiency cultivation of C. camphora plantation forests by observing the phenotypes of C. camphora seedlings and the functional indexes of roots and leaves with varying concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus at the nitrogen-phosphorus ratio of 5:6 in the potting experiments.The results showed that: (1) in accordance with the precise ratios and concentrations, the growth indexes (ground diameter, seedling height, and chlorophyll content) in the treatments with nitrogen and phosphorus addition were significantly higher than in the other treatments; (2) compared with the control (no nitrogen and phosphorus added, CK), the nutrient additions significantly promoted the weight of the leaves and leaf phosphorus content;(3) under the first level of root sequences, there was a significant difference between the N1P1 treatment and CK in terms of average diameter, specific surface area, and tissue density, with increases of 52.05%, 57.73%, and 53.66%, respectively; (4) In the secondary root sequence, N1P1 treatment resulted in significantly greater mean diameter and tissue density compared to CK, with increases of 49.59% and 25.31%, respectively; (5) In different root sequence, N2P2 treatment resulted in significantly greater mean diameter compared to CK, with increases of 49.30% and 46.60%; and (6) fertilizer treatments, sequential levels, and their interactions had significant effects on nutrients and morpho-functional traits of the root system.in summary, The results indicated that nitrogen and phosphorus added in effective doses at specific stoichiometric ratios could significantly affect the root and leaf functional traits and promote the growth of C. camphora seedlings.